Food Safety Tips for Travelers
Look below for travel tips on staying healthy and safe from illness on cruise ships, vacations, in the outdoors or in your car.
Travel Tips: Food and Water Safety
Food and water safety informationfor travellers. Whether you are taking an airplane, a train or just heading to the beach, follow these tips and enjoy a safe trip!
Food Safety for Cruise Ship Passengers
Cruise Safety Information about food and foodborne illnesses for cruise ship passengers.
Safe Food Tips for Camping and Hiking Outdoors
Stay safe from foodborne illnesses while camping, climbing, hiking or fishing in the great outdoors.
Food Safety for long and short trips
Food Safety information for car trips, Recreational Vehicles, road trips, and vacation activities
The information on this site was produced by the CDC and the USDA and compiled by the site owner. We are not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of this information. Site Design and layout (c) 2007